Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of The Movie Foxy - 887 Words

Foxy was having the most weirdest hour of her life. She was riding piggyback on the robot and ripping out wires of all sorts while biting and snapping at the robot s small mechanical head. Around her Lumo, Snowy, Bolt, and Cougy, where in a battle with 15 robots. Acorn was pulling pine cones out of her back pack and firing them like a machine gun. â€Å"How many things can she fit in there† asks Foxy to herself. But probably the most effective person on the team for destroying the robots was her sister Wolfy. Around her the ground was littered with wires and machine parts. After throwing/chewing off the robots head Foxy joined her sister and they started to making their way threw the crowd of robots towards the boys to help in their struggle. â€Å"Hi, Foxy† says Snowy as he claws the arm of a robot â€Å"It would be amazing to see if the robots could grow back body parts.† â€Å"Uhh† replies Foxy â€Å"I don t think that they could unless they re part s tarfish or something.† right then something clicked in her head. â€Å"DNA! That s what happened to us!† â€Å"Yes Foxy, we all started out with our own DNA.† says Wolfy as she she snaps a robot in half with a quick pounce. â€Å"Not what I meant.† replies Foxy as she dodges a slice from a robotic arm â€Å"The pool gave us the DNA of the animals that we saw in the dream!† â€Å"Well you know that might be correct.† Says Wolfy as she momentarily stopped fighting â€Å"Then wouldn t that mean that we would not be sisters any more?† â€Å"Maybe, but I don t think itShow MoreRelatedThe Construction of Amanda Knox as an Other Essay1519 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"sex orgy gone wrong†. Knox was constantly referred to as â€Å"Foxy Knoxy†, a moniker taken from her MySpace page (Fernandez Hale, 2007). This had a double effect: not only did Knox’s sexually suggestive behaviour correlate with the â€Å"sex attack† (Lawton, 2007), Knox was portrayed to be actively involved in this personal branding. She was stated to have â€Å"styled herself Foxy Knoxy† (Dailymail.co.uk, 2007) and â€Å"delight[ed] in the nickname Foxy Knoxy† (Mirror.co.uk, 2007), suggesting that she took pleasureRead More Gender Dichotomies on MTV Essay4969 Words   |  20 Pagesexperiencing the variability of those social constructions than has ever been available before, (Rubey 902). The predominance of these prejudices today is evidenced by the overabundance of sexual images in videos and by analyzing the songs’ content. This analysis is not often difficult to comprehend because the sexual images and lyrics are explicitly clear. In 2000, for instance, there were three hits that all dealt with the female posterior – Sisqo’s Thong Song, Back that Thang Up by Juvenile, and Mystical’sRead MoreAmerican Slang Essay 115481 Words   |  62 Pagesare the standard in referring to a femal e student, for instance, canary, hen, pullet, and quail; and a female residence hall is a hen coop/ranch/roost, quail roost or jail.[14] During the period from 1900 to 1970, the scholarly collection and analysis of American college slang was at best sporadic. However, in these scattered treatments can be seen traces of the major changes that transformed college slang and college culture by the 1970s. By 1926-27, slang at Kansas University depicted not only

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Economy Essay Free Essays

string(170) " had emerged as more of a world power in the late nineteenth century with how well things went with the military and economic trade and colonial centers all helped this\." The economy has been something really important to society because of how much it’s affected our daily lives. Not to mention The Great Depression, which was something huge that happened in history. Most presidents had tried to fix the economy in whatever way but they couldn’t fix everything. We will write a custom essay sample on The Economy Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now A lot of Americans faced hardships due to a bad economy at different points in history. It would also be considered a hardship to the government, because of their involvement and what they went through. First, getting into The Great Depression we see that it had a huge impact on society being that it wasn’t forgotten about it had given rise to new departures in economic theory. (Rothermund, 1996) It caused free trade among different countries to be depleted at the time affecting those other countries and leading them on to lose growth. It’s no doubt that The Great Depression didn’t only affect America but other countries were also very hurt. The monetary theory was introduced with the quantity of money supplied at the time, with introducing a gold standard it was thought to help us out in this tough time. If we could use gold bars in place of cash to help provide for the country it was said we’d be better off. Supply and demand was a big factor, being that it was needed to stimulate the economy. It didn’t help that people weren’t buying anything for the circulation of cash to dwindle through it’s cycle, and therefore help boost the economy. That, in turn caused wages to be lowered hurting that average Joe. International trade had gone up, all the countries were hurting so bad that they had no choice but to raise the price of goods to make the money that they were in need of. From that, countries had no choice but to buy the goods, so they had to go into debt from putting their purchases on credit. At the time pressure was put on the peasant farmer who already wasn’t making a whole lot of money had been taxed heavily due to the need of produce screwing him both ways. Debt, not only has an effect on the past but also the future. When people look into how much debt a person has it has a detrimental impact on lending them money. Also, countries in debt had used gold as a means of trade because they had no choice with the creditors seeing how much they owed reflected back on them giving no choice but too. Taxation was another big thing that affected the duration of The Great Depression. With high taxes, it was a big factor because it played into economy causing different companies and corporations to not bounce back or recover that quickly. Something that affected the economy during the time is war debts from our allies that owed us billions of dollars and we needed it back. It would’ve helped stimulate the economy if they had paid those back in that time of need. During The Great Depression Harlem had become a place for many famous poets, musicians, or famous black figure to move to.  (Greenberg, 1997) Also, black political activity had gone up during this time all this causing the Harlem Renaissance. During the 1920s, the population of blacks in Manhattan had gone from 5 to 12 percent. Then by 1930 55 percent of all foreign blacks lived in New York City. Harlem was looked at as the greatest black city in the world, and had a lot of positive energy. Through all the unequal rights blacks had at the time, it caused unemployment to rise in Harlem and the crime rate had increased due to low wages and unemployment both. The discrimination was so bad that blacks were getting such high rental rates due to the landlords being racist. Also, the quality of houses built were very unsafe, and poor that many found it hard to find a place to live. Blacks looked forward to when others would move out of their own homes so that way they would have a nicer place to live if they got to it in time. The large population of Harlem at the time had been because of migrants needing a better place to live and problems from where they came seeking opportunity in this area. The problem that most blacks faced was coming into the area without an education. Unfortunately blacks were discriminated so much in the workplace that they had such low quality positions and couldn’t even be granted supervisor position. Close to 70 percent of all black women in the 1920s were employed with jobs such as domestic and personal services. When the stock market crashed it had affected blacks more than whites. It also had a bigger impact on unskilled workers due to them being more concentrated on in their ranks. Malnutrition had affected so many at this time due to unemployment and low wages. At this time child labor rose to help support their families, as did theft leading to young juveniles. A lot of people had started to apply for aid for the first time in their lives. Having a need for it was a major thing, so people were hoping to get a descent amount of support. With everything going on, different organizations came out and helped struggling families. Such as the Salvation Army providing shelter, food, and clothing. Also there was churches that were helping out the community in whatever way they could. At the year 1933 about 25 percent of the workplace was unemployed. Then in 1940 the numbers changed to 15 percent of the workplace not finding any work. It was proven at the time among black families that the father and son were both working. Their wages and hours worked were also so low that expenses were higher than the amount they had earned. Britain had emerged as more of a world power in the late nineteenth century with how well things went with the military and economic trade and colonial centers all helped this. You read "The Economy Essay" in category "Essay examples" (Bryan, 2010) Other countries at the time had been seeking Britain’s ways and wanted to be more like them as they were considered a role model. From the early 1870s to the 1890s most of the world have been going through lowering prices, and they called it a Great Depression. This caused a lot of discontent, and wealth to be transferred from the debtor to the creditor. Many in America had complained about the government not letting them have the free mining of silver and it leading to why the money was in such bad shape because of not being able to trade gold. At this time tariffs were tacked on to imported goods, this made domestic goods cheaper than imported goods causing producers to buy domestic instead of foreign. In Britain, protectionist ideas and expansion had up surged when there was competition in the marketplace from Americans and Germans. The governments in France, Russia, Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary had based their economic systems on promoting and protecting industry. Many countries had tried what they could to adopt the gold standard, to protect their developing countries by blocking imports, promoting exports, and de-valuing their currencies. Military spending had in part contributed to worldwide inflation. Also, the amount of gold production had increased all around the world when people saw a need for it. Only with military power could countries like Japan be considered full civilized since they were ignorant of nearly all methods of production. Not only gold but also iron at the time were models that shaped state currency choices, and influenced decisions as far as colonies and tariffs went. Not only was the gold standard a primary use for international money, but trade and precious metals were also. Gold had an advantage with it’s exchanged rates being fixed. The government had established centralized banks that were under the expansion of the gold standard, so they couldn’t be state controlled. Prior to the nineteenth century the use of a silver over gold was more of a worldwide currency. When more countries had seen how effective gold was they had adopted the same standards and it’s not until the 1890s that it became common around the globe with people adopting the gold standard. London was considered the world’s financial center, but they also had way higher interest rates then France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. The lend-lease act was passed on March 11, 1941. (U. S. Congress, 2013) This act would allow the U. S. to lend or lease war supplies to any nation that was in dire need of help, and that was important to the defense of the United States. When Winston Churchill had 11 navy warships destroyed in 1940, he looked for help through President Roosevelt. Roosevelt was smart and responded by the exchange of 50 of our destroyers for 99 year leases on British bases in the Caribbean and Newfoundland. At the time, Roosevelt had promised to keep America out of war. In 1941, Roosevelt had signed a military aid bill for Britain to help support them and what they were doing overseas. It was considered buying and not lending, since they were becoming a vital aid to us at the time. It was a time to prepare for war, many didn’t know it yet but Roosevelt was buying security for the meantime pretty much. The United States at this time was nowhere near being ready for war. As far as training, and being unprepared and unarmed. It was time for the United States to get ready for something major to happen. This was the start of us having allies, and forming more of an alliance with other countries overseas. With the end of the Second World War 1945, many Americans had feared for the economy to plunge into another Great Depression. (Rosenberg, 2003) Which turned out to not be true, there ended up being a demand for consumer goods, and investment goods. Even modernization and expansion, housing and exports were in demand. The war had shown that the federal government could have a positive effect on the economy. Toward the end of President Eisenhower’s years there was high levels of unemployment in addition to really high inflation these occurred simultaneously. During this time, many youth were sent back to school, and women back to the kitchen. It was in response to employment, with jobs now wanting to hire people with more of an education, and those not having full time housekeeping responsibilities were more in demand in the workplace. The business community had said the path to employment would be better achieved through the private sector. By the end of 1945, there was very few production controls that had remained. It was thought by that happening it would lead to a more successful peace time economy. Things were looking up for individuals, they were able to spark an increase in purchasing consumer goods, and housing. What really helped was the Income Tax Act of 1945 which lowered people’s income taxes leaving them with more money to spend. Also, a high demand for American exports was something that the U. S. needed. Truman had considered economic growth to be really important for economic policy to grow. He wasn’t clear how this was to happen but wanted to make an effort to make it happen. In 1950 the Truman administration had raised taxes to fight inflation and also finance the war. Something important was to stop the spread of communism, Truman believed that this could be done. After the Korean War in 1953, the amount of defense spending had lowered tremendously. Which really helped since Eisenhower wanted to lower federal spending, he said the government’s role should be to foster price stability. A balanced budget was well looked on at the time, it was thought of as a really good thing. If we had a balanced budget, then we could have a budget deficit that would look more positive. It is said that economists have a notion of defining art, and it’s more in the back of their heads causing an influence on their findings. (Abbing, 2002) Something that’s kind of funny, is when you go out to museums or art galleries, you’re looking for the price tag but can’t seem to find it, or you try finding a store clerk but they are hiding out somewhere. It’s because of the cost of artwork, it’s not cheap causing people to be ashamed of the price when selling it. Art really draws back people when they see the price tag, but in reality artist think their art is special that’s why a lot of them have trouble when thinking of how much they want to price their painting. Cost’s in the arts rise faster than any other production sector, but value is really hard to determine at times because art is something so beautiful to a lot of people. Unfortunately, the government only seems to support art because it has no choice but to. Ex- artists have explained that they made a big mistake when switching to a different career, they felt like they lived in the world of art. So, it was a lot of positive energy, a happy lifestyle and it seemed to help calm people down when they would work on their art piece. The difference with artists is that they rely more on donation then income, they are going against others so they have more of a challenge with having the piece of the art that somebody else would really want. Artists have really changed society for the better with everything that they created, people can keep in their homes and it reminds them of the person who made it, when looking at that piece of art. In the 1990s the U. S. economy had expanded significantly, it being from the higher tax rates in place. (Harris, 2010) Something that had helped the boost in the economy was how well productivity in Information Technology had expanded and investment in Information Technology equipment. It had no bearing on tax decisions, but it was seen as something unique and unanticipated. With the production of I. T. computers, and software the jobs went up and that explained the surge of economic expansion. More people were wanting a computer, or some type of I. T. which caused more of a demand and gave people a lot of work which was great. It was looked at, with a more positive feedback from the marketplace had been a big factor with the 1990s economic expansion. Also, when more production was in effect that had caused I. T. software and devices to be lowered in price because of the advancements. Causing the businesses and consumers to have more of an increased investment. The lessons learned were that the past doesn’t predict the future. Just because something was more successful with economic expansion in the past doesn’t mean it’ll be just as effective in the future. This last month in October 2013, the job growth has surged with the U. S. economy adding 204,000 jobs. (Kurtz, 2013) Which was in fact a big surprise with the government shutdown at the beginning of October because government failing to come up with a budget for fiscal year 2014. That lasted for 16 days, and had 800,000 federal employees temporarily out of work. Since September 2012 the government has been buying $85 billion in bonds each month as an effort to strengthen the job market. It may seem like the economy has gotten a lot better but in fact all the jobs lost since the Great Recession still haven’t been restored. The unemployment rate at this time is close to eleven percent. The government had also cut 12,000 jobs with a third of them being postal service jobs. In conclusion, we see that the economy plays a vital role in our everyday lives. It has a big impact on what jobs are available, how much a person will be taxed, a person’s wages, and it plays a role with government spending. As we have seen, government spending has seemed to go up sky high when the economy would be in decline. Also, a lot of Americans went through many hardships when their wages were garnished, or they were unemployed leaving many with very low standards of living, malnutrition, hard lifestyle, and overall tough times. There was many different decisions by presidents that had to be made throughout 1865 to present. It was not easy for them to decide what would help our economy. The way it was seen, was that most if not all did a great job with trying to boost the economy, and even though they weren’t able to accomplish what they wanted, it still made a huge difference in many lives. How to cite The Economy Essay, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Educational Responses To Cultural Globalisation Socio Economic Flow

Question: Discuss about the Educational Responses To Cultural Globalisation for Socio Economic Flow. Answer: Introduction Since the last some decades, the socio-economic flow has appeared to be rising in the international level. The most obvious hurdle that appears during the internationalization is the most important during such situations and it should be resolved for contributing in the international activities, to attain a position (in the international space). Internationalization has been benefitting few countries through socio-economic international result. Due to their consistent economic, political, cultural, and historical aspects, the western countries have emerged to be successful in regulating along with the fresh situations in very effective form. Many other countries are currently dealing with the huge difficulties in case of how to regulate among the fresh rising international flows as well as their particular tradition, and moreover economic and political conditions. Challenges and Opportunities It appears to be more challenging and enthusiastic time for educators and teachers. As per the current era, the aspects of teaching are transforming. Several programmes are fitting to be more industrial, in case of making a lot of attempt to change them into ideal teacher organizing colleges by considering fresh chance and creating transformation needed to counter to the requirements (Financial Times, 2010) of the present era learners. These transformations in globalization lead them to be involved in many strategies like: Offering excellent class optional plans to teachers for educating, Creating on public and secret connection, which allocate basic group of concepts in encouraging knowledge modification, Performing a crucial part with contract and erstwhile optional/experimental educational centre. For effectively accomplishing the demands and challenges regarding the experts, AACTE is most prominent alteration attempts, which: Offer proof, which the education provider arranged at associate college may consist an favorable result on their learner education, Assures that educator and learner gets widespread, thorough medical skills along with regulating maintenance, which needs playing assessment connected to the educator licensure methods as well as elevated levels for initiating training, Involve eventual educators in making training united to their government subject levels, successfully understanding evaluation conclusions, counter to learners educational requirements, and refining an enthusiasm, which will hold learners for the endless period. Although each of such attempts are linked and significant to the change of teacher organizing, the main motive of this research is to make the origin for continuous explanation since 21st century education and experiences that can be suitably implant in teacher preparation, as well as to control the improvement of resources as well as facility to maintain teacher programmes. With the help of involvement of people, this report proposes to: Create a layout for creating the capacity, resource base, equipments, and structures required to support this activity, Make a model of communications and leadership, which will support the input of teacher organizing programs as well as several other crucial stakeholder regarding such proposal, and Offer teacher resource and training pilot proposals as well as joint venture to improve and evaluate 21st era (Miller, M. 2009) ordering structures between national colleges and higher knowledge. Hence, educator programs should certify that it get influenced by the impact of globalization on it and results several unexpected conditions. Conclusion: Internationalization appears to be impacting several expected influence on communication and educational system transforms the form of knowledge is being imparted and the part performed by both learner and educators. The improvement of such technology is enhancing the evolution through a singly depending community to a data- depending community. References: Financial Times. (2010). Germany Propose Ending US Veto in IMF Board. Lim, Cher Ping, Ching Sing Chai, and Daniel Churchill. (2010). Leading ICT in Education Practices. Singapore: Microsoft Partners in Learning. Inter Press Service. (2009). Dollarization of Economy Hitting Poor Hard. Miller, M. (2009). Teaching for a New World: Preparing High School Educators to Deliver College- and Career-Ready Instruction. Policy Brief, Washington, D.C.: Alliance for Excellent Education.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Ten Commandments What Should Happen Essay Example For Students

Ten Commandments: What Should Happen Essay Avis homework What happens to me when I break a commandment is very different than what I think should happen to me. When I break a commandment for example disrespecting my parents my punishment in the short term is something simple like being grounded. I think these types of punishments dont do much. They dont help to prevent it from happening again. I do believe however that there are punishments in the future that you cannot foresee. These punishments can be something like your parents not trusting you as much or things like; how what you did affected your character. There is also another type of rule that you can break, murder. If I killed someone I would be sent to jail, maybe for life or executed. These are the things I think should happen when I break a commandment. When I disrespect my parents, I think that the actions that are taken against me should have to do more directly with the rule I broke. Instead of not letting me use something (which was little to do with what I di d usually), they should respect me as a less mature person. What I think should happen if I killed someone is very different from what happens today. Essentially, I am strongly against keeping people locked up for long periods of time. I think three things should happen. o They should undergo intensive therapy and reenter society once they are mentally stable. o They should be shot. o They should be sent to France or banished to another nation that is filled with obnoxious people, whose economic and social problems are not to our concern (can be humorous at times) cause all of the people are dirty frogs. I do not believe in wasting everybodys money by locking people up for a long time. I dont think it is worth keeping people in jail rotting away. When they finally come out they will probable be angry and wanting to do bad things again. We will write a custom essay on Ten Commandments: What Should Happen specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I feel like a lot of things must change in what happens when people break rules. Believe that only the people who broke the rules should have to pay for what they did.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

FASB versus IASB

FASB versus IASB IASB stands for International Accounting Standards Board, while FASB stands for Financial Accounting Standards Board. These two bodies play a major role in setting the pace for internationally acceptable accounting policies. The two boards are among many organizations of this nature. This report focuses on the differences of the two boards and also their respective roles.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on FASB versus IASB specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Differences between the FASB and the IASB IASB just came into existence recently as a replacement for International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). The replacement was induced by members of international financial markets because they wanted to bring reforms into the regulatory board. The reforms took place in 2001 which resulted in the formation of IASB. The new board incorporated governments from all parts of the world as long as they were willing to become i ts member. The major role of IASB is to provide accurate and comprehensive and applicable international financial reporting standards (IFRS). In addition, the same board is supposed to encourage its members to adhere to these standards (Pounder, 2009). It is the European commission that pushed for the establishment of internationally recognized accounting standards. The commission found these standards to be necessary in order to prevent blue collar crimes among companies in European Union. The commission ordered all publicly owned organizations to forward their financial records that adhered to the standards of IFRS. The deadline for submitting the records was at the beginning of 2005. IASB set out to guide its members on how to ensure their records adhered to the expectations of IFRS. FASB is based in the US and it partners with IASB, which is situated in London. These two bodies are very closely related because they exist in the same field. Experts from both boards realized that a crisis could result from the clash of the rules set by the two bodies. With this in mind FASB has been advocating for the introduction of universally acceptable accounting standards, such as the GAAP because the universal standards would not be limited to certain areas and thus there would be no conflict of standards. Conceptual Framework of the IASB and FASB The IASB board comprises of fourteen board executives who reside in nine nations. These executives are professionals who are knowledgeable in accounting. The members decided to allocate seats at random and evenly to make sure all the members have equal say on how the board is run.Advertising Looking for report on accounting? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More IASB is headquartered in London and its operations are financed by various financial institutions from all over the world. Zyla (2009) argues that the major similarity between these bodies that is the IASB a nd FASB is that they are both found in the accounting field. However, their differences outweigh the similarities. FASB is situated in the US and was established in 1973 as a successor of Accounting Principles Board (APB). There are several suggestions on how financial tools are presented in both standards. The two standards argue that financial tools that are as a result of amortized expenses will still be presented in the same manner as possible .FASB was of the idea that a new fair value be introduced. The net computation will be retained although some members are of the opinion that a new statement should be introduced. They feel that the new statement should be used to present all earnings. Of late FASB has been trying to utilize the availability of one model hence the others become irrelevant to it. The appropriate model is used to evaluate the mutilation of a financial tool. During the evaluation of financial mutilation an organization is allowed to include its present, past and future events that could have caused the mutilation. Coherence and Application of the Standards According to their framework, the two standards are coherent and applicable in their own sense. Though, it may be thought that IASB is better because of its late existence in the accounting field, replacing old rules with new ones. In as much the two standards have been trying to meet. The latest events suggest that they have been going apart rather than uniting. FASB presents one integrated statement that incorporates tools from various sections to make one statement. On the other hand IASB presents isolated statements at different intervals. In IASB model the losses are accounted for before they actually happen. This is done by analyzing the forth coming events to establish whether they can result in loss and if so that loss is included in the statement. In contrary to that FASB acknowledges only the losses that have already been experienced. The suggestions that are presented under FASB imply that the statement of an organization concerning its stand will be transformed unlike in IASB where there are no chances of such alterations. Previts (2008) explains that the suggestions made by these two boards imply that they are trying to outsmart each other. This is because they are aware that the body that brings the most compatible changes is most likely to be retained as the successor of forthcoming standards. The above stated standards are supposed to be applied simultaneously with national standards in respective countries. Though the internal standards may vary from one country to another the international standards are meant to ensure that there is universal accounting culture that is recognized in all parts of the world.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on FASB versus IASB specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More IASC and FASB As much as the standards share some aspects in their conceptual framework, th ere is no possibility that IASC will replace FASB. IASC was replaced by IASB, meaning that its line of operation is developing Financial Reporting Standards as outlined in the previous section. Besides, the framework of IASC is different from that of FASB. In essence, the effectiveness of these standards is influenced by a nation’s accounting ethics and also the business practices plus the laws of the country in question. This is because these principles could contradict the elements of accounting in a given country. Therefore, each country should check its internal standards before referring to international standards. This is because the internal standards are best suited for internal organizations while international standards are best suited for organizations that operate beyond national boarders. References Pounder, B. (2009). Convergence Guidebook for Corporate Financial Reporting. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Previts, G. (2008).Research in Accounting Regulation, San D iego, CA: Elsevier. Zyla, L.M. (2009).Fair Value Measurements: Practical Guidance and Implementation. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Facts of the Pre-Historic Predator Hyaenodon

Facts of the Pre-Historic Predator Hyaenodon Name: Hyaenodon (Greek for hyena tooth); pronounced hi-YAY-no-don Habitat: Plains of North America, Eurasia, and Africa Historical Epoch: Late Eocene-Early Miocene (40-20 million years ago) Size and Weight: Varies by species; about one to five feet long and five to 100 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Slender legs; large head; long, narrow, tooth-studded snout About Hyaenodon The unusually long persistence of Hyaenodon in the fossil recordvarious specimens of this prehistoric carnivore have been found in sediments dating from 40 million to 20 million years ago, all the way from the Eocene to the early Miocene epochscan be explained by the fact that this genus comprised a large number of species, which ranged widely in size and enjoyed a nearly worldwide distribution. The largest species of Hyaenodon, H. gigas, was about the size of a wolf, and probably led a predatory wolf-like lifestyle (supplemented with hyena-like scavenging of dead carcasses), while the smallest species, the appropriately named H. microdon, was only about the size of a house cat. You might assume that Hyaenodon was directly ancestral to modern wolves and hyenas, but youd be wrong: the hyena tooth was a prime example of a creodont, a family of carnivorous mammals that arose about 10 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct and went extinct themselves about 20 million years ago, leaving no direct descendants (one of the biggest creodonts was the amusingly named Sarkastodon). The fact that Hyaenodon, with its four slender legs and narrow snout, so closely resembled modern meat-eaters can be chalked up to convergent evolution, the tendency for creatures in similar ecosystems to develop similar appearances and lifestyles. (However, bear in mind that this creodont didnt much resemble modern hyenas, except for the shape of some of its teeth!) Part of what made Hyaenodon such a formidable predator was its almost comically oversized jaws, which had to be supported by extra layers of musculature near the top of this creodonts neck. Like roughly contemporary bone-crushing dogs (to which it was only distantly related), Hyaenodon would likely snap the neck of its prey with a single bite, and then use the slicing teeth in the back of its jaws to grind down the carcass into smaller (and easier to handle) mouthfuls of flesh. (Hyaenodon was also equipped with an extra-long palate, which allowed this mammal to continue breathing comfortably as it dug into its meal.) What Happened to Hyaenodon? What could have edged Hyaenodon out of the spotlight, after millions of years of dominance? Thebone-crushing dogs referenced above are possible culprits: these megafauna mammals (typified by Amphicyon, the bear dog) were every bit as lethal, bite-wise, as Hyaenodon, but they were also better adapted for hunting scurrying herbivores across the wide plains of the later Cenozoic Era. One can imagine a pack of hungry Amphicyons denying a Hyaeonodon its recently killed prey, thus leading, over thousands and millions of years, to the eventual extinction of this otherwise well-adapted predator.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Language - Essay Example Furthermore, code switching is a very common behavior among multilingual speakers. Thus, policymakers on education stress that switching from one language to another may affect proficiency of the speaker as code switching limit language development of the speaker or learner (Berko-Gleason 1993). The multilingual situation in the Philippines, for instance, presents an interesting case as the country is an archipelago and is made up of many islands. English is a second language in the Philippines and about 50 percent of the population comprehend and speak English but 87 languages and dialects also exist in different islands. Some of these languages do not seem to be related to each other. Although a national language exists, government policies on the use of national language, the Filipino - an amalgamation of languages composed of both Tagalog and English - confuses the population rather than help the public become proficient in the learning of the language required in school. Tagalog is used in some subjects such as history but science subjects are mainly taught in English. The consequences of this policy are quite detrimental to those whose first language is neither Tagalog nor English. A majority of Filipinos who live in the provinces and underlying islands had to learn three languages in order to survive school and be able to find work. Many of those whose first language is not Tagalog or English are usually discriminated against in work places because of their 'accents.' Marked cultural differences also exist in terms of food, way of life, religious beliefs and many other aspects of culture. Furthermore, like other multilingual countries, the Philippine government faces challenges because of its language-learning program on multilingualism. As two languages - Tagalog and English - are used, educators are concerned that learners may not learn any of the language with greater proficiency as code switching is seen as a hindrance to achieving high-level language proficiency. Language experts argue that bilinguals and multilinguals cannot achieve similar language proficiency similar to those of monolingual speakers. Code-switching is defined as the 'utilization of two languages simultaneously or interchangeably' (Valdes-Fallis, 1977). Most experts view that speakers use two languages if 'bilingual fluency is not yet stable' (Valdes-Fallis, 1977). Speakers employ this method in order to attain two things: one is for the speaker to fill a linguistic or conceptual gap and secondly, it is for the attainment of multiple communicative functions (Gysels, 1992). In many countries and territories, code switching is avoided, but in majority of multilingual and bilingual areas of the world, it is viewed as the 'norm' (Swigart, 1992; Goyvaerts & Zembele, 1992). This is true in the Philippines, Singapore, India and Nepal where speakers usually move from one language to another to communicate. In Singapore and the Philippines (Chinese or Malay and English in Singapore, and Tagalog and English in the Philippines), the use of two languages or the mixing of both in communication and even in literature has become the norm. Views on code

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Problem Definition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Problem Definition - Research Paper Example The problem that the paper centers around is gender bias in corporations and the associated problems. (Jennings, 2008; Wines, 2006; Bowie, 2002) Earning profits without maintaining ethics might benefit the organization but the growth is short lived. Investors, employees, customers and interest groups judge whether an action is ethical or non-ethical. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2009;  Jones, Parker & Bos 2005) The aspect of gender bias has been taken up in this paper with some small case studies to bring out the exact work environment in the US. The company under study is an orchestra company, which was accused for gender discrimination in employee treatment and work culture in the US music industry.      Our study is based on the US music industry. The bias has been seen in the compositions of western music and in the very management itself. Women working here are hurt badly in the way they are treated or the acknowledgement of their works and achievements. There have been some cases when women have been denied membership or selection in an orchestra position based on their gender. (Takala, 2007) The work atmosphere is such that women are deprived of any equal treatment to that of  men in similar positions. This feeling of exclusion and deprivation affected their performance and their abilities misused. (Takala, 2007). United States in general has an impressive statistics with respect to workingwomen compared to Europe. While Europe has 41% of workingwomen with only 1% making it to the executive boards, US women make more than half of the working force with 10% in the executive boards. Women participation in orchestras has been compared for four countries according to gender. Allmendinger and Hackman report women participation of 36% for US against 30% for UK and 16% for East and West Germany. But the high rates in US did not give the real picture. The survey found that though the number of working women were high in US, most of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Death of a Parent Essay Example for Free

Death of a Parent Essay I believe we are defined by events that happen throughout our lives both passivity and negatively. Most of the events that change people’s paths often happen suddenly in their life and sometimes have long term effects. Whether it is a personal, religious, life style, or even a career change the fact still remains the cause for change was caused by the event. The statements above are true for my life; my life was about to change forever. This is the day I found out my mother had only six months to live, I was only 19 years old. I was picking my mother up from a routine follow-up appointment she had at Keesler Air force Base Hospital in Biloxi Mississippi, on the afternoon of 3 March 1997. I was walking up the steps of the hospital when I saw her walking out her face was pale I asked her if she was ok, her response was no. At this point in time everything went silent she asked me to sit down on the steps but I couldn’t I just wanted to know what was wrong. My mother while holding my hands then told me the results of the test and that she had liver cancer and it was untreatable. I was frozen not knowing what to say I just grab her and held her close and begun to cry. She told me to stop crying because she was going to need me to be strong for her and my brothers, that she wanted her last six months to be happy memories not sad ones. Let’s step back for a moment so I can explain the relationship I had with my mother because it was not your normal one. My mother was so much more to me than just a mom, she was my best friend I told her everything and she told me everything. We spent many late nights talking about everything in life from how our day went to what life would hold for us in the future. My mother was one of those people who never wanted or asked for anything for herself but was one who gave everything and would do anything for her children. When I say her children I don’t just mean her biological ones, she took care and provide for so many more, whether it was local neighbor hood, friends, family, co-workers and sometime even complete strangers who just need help. I remember many nights sitting at the kitchen table with people eating dinner with us who I did not know and many of them I would never see again after that night. My mom would always say we don’t have much but what we do have is sometimes way more than what others have. My mother was the strongest person I ever known, who also had the biggest heart. Two years before we found out she only had six months to live my mother kicked breast cancers ass. At least so we thought until the cancer showed back up in her liver and the doctors only gave her six months to live. At first nothing changed for her life or mine after finding out the bad news in fact she made me promise not to tell my brothers or anyone else. She continued working up to about the last two months. That is when things started to fall apart. The first thing to go for my mother was her memory. I can remember coming home from work and my mother talking to me about going camping like I was five years old. Not knowing how to handle it I just played along with the conversation, it seemed to make her happy. This went on and off for about two weeks and then things really started heading down hill pretty quick. I had to get help from hospice care, to have help taking care of her, because she was basically bedridden and unable to care for herself. Hospice came into our home and set up a medical bed and other medical equipment in our formal living area, this was the open area in our house. At this point I quit my job to take care of her because hospice care was only coming to the house like twice a day the rest was up to me. I had made a promise to her not to let her die in a hospital and I was trying to keep that promise. As the days went on the care became more and more demanding not really physical but mentally. I was doing everything thing for her, from bathing, changing her clothes, and bed pan to forcing her to take the meds she still need to take for pain control. At this point she was no longer able to speak, it seemed like her mind was completely gone just a blank stare. My breaking point was met, I was unable to care for my mother at home anymore she had pretty much slipped into a coma. I had to have my mother moved to the hospital, I couldn’t keep that promise I made her and still to this day I beg for forgiveness from her. She was only in the hospital for three nights before she passed. My brothers and I took turns at night staying with her and my night was night three. That night was a special night, it was her birthday. On the night she passed away we got her a birthday cake and song happy birthday to our mother for the last time. After singing happy birthday and blowing out the candles we each gave her a hug. When it became my turn to give her a hug I told her it was ok for her to go, that we will be ok and I love you. It wasn’t long after that she passed away at the age of 40. Not long after my mother died my life begun to fall apart. I could not deal with people always asking me if I was ok or if I needed anything. I started pushing everyone away and shutting out the ones I love. I needed to make a positive change in my life because my mother would not want me to live this way. So I joined to U. S. Army and left home and everybody I loved. I didn’t really have a plan I just knew I needed my space and this was the only way I was going to get it. In fact I wrote a letter to my girlfriend breaking up with her on my flight to Germany, after I had completed all my initial training. I was completely alone for the first time after my mother died. Not a day goes by that I do not think about my mother and how her passing changed my life. Today I live my life the way I believe she would have wanted me to, with an open mind, trying to see the positives in every situation I find myself in. There are things I wish I would have handled differently when it comes to my love ones I left behind when I joined the Army. My mother’s passing away changed my life in so many ways and has dad a major impact on the way I raise my kids, I do not take the time I have with them for granted. You never know when your time is up, so I say make the most of it and never wait until tomorrow to tell someone you love them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Way Back In The Ozarks :: essays research papers

Way Back in the Ozarks Book Report Part One Title – Way Back in the Ozarks Author – Howard Hefley # Of Pages – 262 Publisher – Copyright Date - November 1992 Part Two This novel is about a young boy’s life (the author). It starts of f him describing his hometown and how life was back then. The name of his town is Judy. Then it goes start into his life story. He ask his dad if can go hunting with him one early morning in the summer. He is bout 8 years of age now and is almost old enough to handle a gun. He begged his dad and he ends up in going with his dad and uncle hunting. This is his first time and he has to try to keep up. So he struggles to keep up and he does. Then later on in the book he is about 10 and wants a dog of his own so he can win money in dog field trials and hunt. He only his two dollars and a hunting pup is bout 15 dollars. So he goes up to uncle Lloyds house cause he hears dogs barking and wants to see what’s going on. Well when he gets their he sees a cur pup (a mix breed dog) and his uncle training bluetick hounds. He ask he uncle bout the cur and his uncle doesn’t want and is going to get rid of it cause its no good to any hunter and the author or monk talks him to selling him the dog for 2 bucks the ending is when monk get a coon (raccoon) for a pet. Big John try's to find it and try’s to kill several times. Until one night when he does get it and monk finds out and goes to johns house and hold he at gun point with he the cur dog at monks side. He tells john to turn around and drop his jeans and then monk tell he is dog to bite he butts. If john were to move monk would shoot him. It ends with him talking bout his brother Fesser help writing this book. Part Three Chapters 1 and 2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The start of these two chapters goes something like this. Howard Hefley (the author) get his nick name monk. He gets this from going hunting with he is dad and uncle one night. Monk ran ahead and climbed a tree and when they got

Monday, November 11, 2019

Everyday Use Essay

â€Å"Everyday Use† is a highly symbolic story with manifold themes and interpretations. It not only locates conflict that existed within the Afro-American community and presents life in relation to modern and traditional concept of Afro-American heritage but it further takes into account the feminist themes and agendas. It is a representative story of Black movement of 1960s but it does not manifest the Afro-American quest for socio-cultural identity like other Black Movement literature. The central conflict is symbolized by two main characters; Mrs. Johnson and Dee. Dee is an epitome of shallow materialism and an adherent of prevailing concept of heritage where heritage is revered only for trendiness and aesthetic attraction whereas Mrs. Johnson admires heritage for its practical utility and personal importance. Central conflict is between Maggie and Dee and it is about whether legacy and heritage subsists in belongings or in spirit. Dee’s longing for heritage is for ostentatious reasons. Contemporary periodical necessities make her cherish and celebrate her Afro-American heritage. But Mrs. Johnson and Maggie have learnt to live with their heritage. Dee is captivated by the beauty of â€Å"churn top† and wanted to have it to be used as centerpiece for her alcove table whereas Mrs. Johnson has used it practically for churn butter hitherto. Walker utilizes the butter churn to demonstrate Mrs. Johnson’s intrinsic understanding of heritage. When [Dee] finished wrapping the dasher the handle stuck out. I took it for a moment in my hands. You didn’t even have to look close to see where hands pushing the dasher up and down to make butter had left a kind of sink in the wood. In fact, there were a lot of small sinks; you could see where thumbs and fingers had sunk into the wood. It was a beautiful light yellow wood, from a tree that grew in the yard where Big Dee and Stash had lived. (Walker, â€Å"Everyday Use† use page number from your textbook) The narration of the story is in first-person where everything is reported and understood through the lenses of Mrs. Johnson. Her observation is astute as she provides minute details about the actions of her daughters. Alice Walker has introduced various symbols and figurative language to communicate some thematic expressions. The conflict of heritage becomes more evident as well as critical as the quilts are brought in the story. It signifies the procedure from which the insignificant and worthless may be changed into the valued and functional. The development of Dee into Wangero shows various facets and phases through which black identity passed during late 1960s and 1970s. Predilection for appearance as compared with spirit remained hallmark of this era and this trend is manifested through Dee’s transformation into Wangero. Social standing of females was a favorite subject to the writers at the start of 20th century. Society was dominated by patriarchy, male chauvinism and supremacy whereas women were perceived as fragile and dependant. Every Day Use is a thematic expression of feminism and manifests it at various levels and in various orientations. It also revolves around the same theme which was basically about their feminist struggles. In â€Å"Everyday Use†, Alice juxtaposes the female character against the pathos and miseries of life and demonstrates their strong will and mental capacity to stand against those hardships. They are subservient to any male character and do not needs their companionship. Hence Alice augments their characterization by inculcating a female identity. Although Feminism stands for women to have the same status as men in the society but Alice exhibits another manifestation of Feminism i. e. not a wish to have equal status but a practical demonstration to contribute equally to the socio-cultural milieu of the time. Dee is an epitome of shallow materialistic feminism and an adherent of prevailing concept of feminism that believes in things and materialistic feministic achievements whereas Mrs. Johnson looks at the spirit of feminism and contributes toward it at her own level. She raises up two daughters by her own. This implies she has already taken the position of a father. These kinds of female have the ability to make their own decisions and have independence of thought and actions. The mother even shows how useful and strong a woman is. In the story, Alice Walker pointed out that the mother is â€Å"a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands†. So Everyday Use is not a mere feministic wish to acquire equal status and should be considered and treated on equal terms but it is a practical manifestation of this feminist thought and ideology. Overall, Walker has invited us start living with our heritage instead of merely cherishing it. She further wants us to search our roots in the American soil instead of locating it on other continents. This story has eternalized the Afro-American themes in particular and feminist theme in general. The characteristic that makes the story universal and eternal is symbolic representation f the above-mentioned themes. It can be read and interpreted in various ways and at various levels.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Advertisements: Create Articial Needs Essay

* Advertisement introduction * Disadvantages of advertisements * How are dey harmful? With respect to dffrnt walks of lyf? * Examples justifying this motion * Conclusion * Whole debate conclusion. Advertising a product is the medium of introducing to customers, therby increasing the product sales. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy that we really do not need which is actuliee true for a larger extent. I agree with the topic that due to advertisements most of the time people are encouraged to buy things they really do not need. And it creates artificial needs. Advertising or advertizing is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. Some advertisers cleverly create a misleading impressions of their goods. They present a very rosy picture of their products, before the consumers with the object of increasing their sales. See more:Â  Manifest Destiny essay Advertising manipulates us to buy things we don’t need by playing on our emotions. It creates artificial needs. Sometimes they create confusion in the minds of people which brand of the product to buy. This is why The content of advertising has long been subjected to much criticism. With the advertisement of proucts on cigarettes, alcoholic products, poeple are tempted buy them, which will harm their health.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on How To Correct Credit

How To Correct Bad Credit Knowing how to maintain a good, solid credit is important. Here are a few helpful guide’s to know and to take, in order to properly execute all the necessary step’s that will lead to a perfect credit. Start pulling your credit report (from all three credit agencies). Then either based on the information, pay the collection agencies or have them remove erroneous and inaccurate derogatory entries on your credit reports from the three credit reporting agencies. And you can do this by writing a letter of explanation to the reporting agencies. Next is an important aspect on speeding up the correction’s of your credit report with the three reporting agencies, and that is enrolling in a credit counseling course, it will help your communication skills, with the credit Bureau’s, witch is an excellent source of help, to take advantage of , but one is not limited to that. All these steps are to make sure your own credit report is correct. All the letter’s received by the reporting agencies will be kept on a file for a lender to review. Also stop applying for new cards or any other sources that require running your credit report. Transfer all balances and stop charging on your card. Also trying to live at the same residence will show stability and is very beneficial for once credit. The best thing to do is to after the credit report first has bin pulled and checked, and corrected and all accounts have bin transferred over to one account is to just keep on establishing and building credit and to only spend only spend one third of your credit at all times but work with no more than half of your credit at all times no more, this will best build FICO. Following all these instructions will correct your bad credit and turn it in to a, very good standings with the reporting agencies.... Free Essays on How To Correct Credit Free Essays on How To Correct Credit How To Correct Bad Credit Knowing how to maintain a good, solid credit is important. Here are a few helpful guide’s to know and to take, in order to properly execute all the necessary step’s that will lead to a perfect credit. Start pulling your credit report (from all three credit agencies). Then either based on the information, pay the collection agencies or have them remove erroneous and inaccurate derogatory entries on your credit reports from the three credit reporting agencies. And you can do this by writing a letter of explanation to the reporting agencies. Next is an important aspect on speeding up the correction’s of your credit report with the three reporting agencies, and that is enrolling in a credit counseling course, it will help your communication skills, with the credit Bureau’s, witch is an excellent source of help, to take advantage of , but one is not limited to that. All these steps are to make sure your own credit report is correct. All the letter’s received by the reporting agencies will be kept on a file for a lender to review. Also stop applying for new cards or any other sources that require running your credit report. Transfer all balances and stop charging on your card. Also trying to live at the same residence will show stability and is very beneficial for once credit. The best thing to do is to after the credit report first has bin pulled and checked, and corrected and all accounts have bin transferred over to one account is to just keep on establishing and building credit and to only spend only spend one third of your credit at all times but work with no more than half of your credit at all times no more, this will best build FICO. Following all these instructions will correct your bad credit and turn it in to a, very good standings with the reporting agencies....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Make Ammonium Nitrate from Household Chemicals

Make Ammonium Nitrate from Household Chemicals Fireworks season is coming up, so before I get into the new fireworks projects, I wanted to cover the synthesis of a common chemical used for pyrotechnics: ammonium nitrate. Another fun project to try with ammonium nitrate is to make an endothermic reaction. You can buy ammonium nitrate as a pure chemical or you can collect it from instant cold packs or some fertilizers. You can make ammonium nitrate by reacting nitric acid with ammonia, but if you dont have access to nitric acid (or dont want to mess with it), you can make ammonium nitrate from readily available home chemicals. Gather Materials You will need: 138 g sodium bisulfate (found with pool chemicals, used to lower pH)1 mole equivalent of a nitrate salt... any of the following85 g sodium nitrate (common food preservative)101 g potassium nitrate (which you can buy or make yourself)118 g calcium nitrate (tetrahydrate)ammonia (common household cleaner)methanol (optional, which may be found as HEET fuel treatment) Ingredients Dissolve the sodium bisulfate in the mininum amount of water (about 300 ml).Dissolve your nitrate salt in the minimum amount of water (amount depends on the salt).Mix the two solutions.Next you want to neutralize the solution, which is quite acidic. Stir in ammonia until the pH of the mixture is 7 or higher. Use a pH meter (or pH paper). Reacting ammonia, sodium bisulfate, and nitrates will give you sodium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.Sodium sulfate and ammonium nitrate have different solubilities in water, so boil the solution to get the sodium sulfate to crystallize. Remove the liquid from heat when crystals of sodium sulfate form in the bottom of the pan.Chill the solution in the freezer to get as much of the sodium sulfate as possible to drop out of the solution.Run the solution through a filter (coffee filter or paper towels) to separate the solid sodium sulfate from the ammonium nitrate solution.Allow the ammonium nitrate solution to evaporate, which will give you ammonium nitr ate, with some sodium sulfate impurity. This is good enough for most chemistry projects. If you want to further purify the ammonium nitrate, dissolve it in about 500 ml of methanol. The ammonium nitrate is soluble in methanol, while the sodium sulfate is not.Run the solution through a filter, which will give you sodium sulfate on the filter and a solution of ammonium nitrate.Allow the methanol to evaporate from the solution to obtain crystalline ammonium nitrate. Safety Information The chemicals used in this project are smelly and corrosive, so this project should be performed under a fume hood or outdoors. As always, wear gloves, eye protection, and appropriate clothing. Some of the reagents and the final product are flammable or are oxidizers, so keep the chemicals away from open flames.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Crimonology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Crimonology - Essay Example The main purpose of this program is to reduce congestion in the court by allowing some of the suspects to be tried when operating from outside the confinement of remand. I do find the program much effective given the fact that some of the offences are categorized as petty offences and do not threaten the societal order. These categories of people following a compelling instigation from the officers should indeed be allowed to resume to the society pending trial, as this will reduce unnecessary congestion as proposed in the program (Siegel 122). It can be said to be an alternative court, if one goes through the system, they are no longer required to be tried in court. Whereas the program cushions one to avoid criminal charges by the court, when one fails to comply with the requirements of the program as stipulated it may revert to a full criminal trial. When those who have gone through the system are involved in criminal offences in the future, the criminal record following diversion can still be used to account for a criminal history of a convict. Under the diversion program, the offenders are suppose to complete a program that is aimed at; education them on the need to uphold law and order in order to avert future criminal activities, victims restitution, community service hours, and restraining coming to contact with other people are some of the programs under diversion (Liebmann 113). I do find the process equally effective in the administration of justice, a part from reducing the time needed for arbitration in court; the suspect pleads guilty and serves certain mandatory programs as said above. During this period, the offenders are also prepared for rehabilitation, for example in the program they are made to appreciate upholding law and order in their future life. The willingness of the offenders to serve alternative sanctions is dependent on many factors; if the offenders feel that they have

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically Essay

Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college - Essay Example College life is an unforgettable experience because it requires hard work and determination in studies and builds on a person’s future career. However, the promise students normally make to study hard normally changes because of the social life that carries them away from the significance of their future making them to lose concentration. Unfortunately, they only get serious when the examinations begin, which greatly affect their performance. Some students will always settle for average after realizing that a sociable individual cannot compete for every field (Berschback, 2011). On the other hand, there are students who are self-motivated who usually drive themselves in work hard. The last group of students would always want to sail with little or no effort perhaps because the social life and the stressful nature of either college life or lack of self-esteem have overwhelmed them. This group of students strives to find various ways of passing exams and achieving better grades through cheating especially during their final examinations. Cheating simply implies that a student is more concerned with personal gain. However, every student, given an opportunity, would want to cheat in order to gain high grade. If any case of cheating goes unpunished then it would imply that a student is being encouraged to cheat (Gardner et al., 2008). Students may be encouraged to cheat even more because of either less severe or no punishment. However, the form of punishment differs depending on the impact of cheating. Responsible authority should weigh on the best option or remedy that can be instilled on the cheating students. Automatic dismissal may not be the best punishment to be given to the cheating students. There are other options that are more effective and efficient than automatic dismissal (Lau et al., 2012). There are several things that encourage students to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

CIVIL ENGINEERING Design option Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CIVIL ENGINEERING Design option Report - Essay Example Also, the trams wouldn't be able to travel at significant speeds and its overhead wires could also cause obstructions along its path. Thus the policy of using of tram as the potential transport choice could be effectively implemented by providing underground tramway and hence would eliminate all the above mentioned disadvantages. Further, a new station at Ratho would also be very helpful as it would be capable to support wider choice of tram services and also helps the occupants in the neighbourhood residential area (Edinburgh, n.d.). The structure of the landscape shall be strictly confirming to the future aspiration by enhancing and upholding the rich heritage and natural assets in the region (Edinburgh, n.d). Further, appropriate precautions on safety norms conforming to the airport suburbs as per the airport safety guidelines would also be enforced. The eastern side of A8 is expected to turn into urban and hence, the short-term efforts would be to evolve appropriate landscape that would help to consolidate this. Provisions for quality open spaces are the other important aspects that need to be given prominence in the master plan. Protection of ancient monuments, historical buildings and heritage locations, like standing stone at Ratho stations, along this region shall be given due attention in the landscape development. All the new buildings designed shall confirm to the guidelines proposed for sustainable design of building units, which includes BREEAM standards. Considering these principles the major aspect s to be considered for Ratho station are retaining the football ground as the focal point for the extended village, promotion of housing units that are mostly of affordable types and creation of special ways for cycling and walking routes. BREEAM based station development. The sustainable development approaches could be adopted in the design of infrastructure components by following the BREEAM guidelines. The major factors to be considered are to have design plans that would result in special emphasis on cycle ways and pedestrian tracks. Another major features that could be incorporated are strengthening public transport systems with less dependence on private transport and also to have effective implementation of the proposed the travel plans. The important design considerations that need to be incorporated in the design of station facilities are as follows Incorporation of overall policy of energy efficiency by using energy efficient lighting or using low energy demanding lighting systems could be used to bring down the energy costs at the station significantly. Converting the railway station at Ratho as an energy self-reliant station capable of generating its own power is one of the design objectives. This could be attained by using the mechanical energy obtained from the turning of ticket gates as the passengers passes through it. The implementation of these systems is carried out using appropriate piezoelectric materials which is capable of creating voltages when mechanical stress is applied on it. The successful installation by East Japan railway Company has proven the concept of pooling energy in such ways. With the expected passenger volume at the station it is estimated that atleast 1000kW per second could be generated

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Development of Cryptography Studies

Development of Cryptography Studies 0.1 Abstract This report is an overview of some structures that have heavily influence the course and study of Cryptography the last decades. Initially, we will analyse the structure of some important ciphers such as DES, 3DES and AES by underlying some dark and complicated points and emphasizing the critical  functions called S-boxes. We will then expand of some basic attributes of these block ciphers, for example the running time of them and their hardware and software performance. Finally, we will focus on a highly important aspect of these cryptosystems, security by exploring some of the most significant attacks that have been discovered against them. The paper is concluded with a presentation of the most important results of our investigation. 1 Introduction Cryptography has a very rich history, rooted back in the ancient years. Even Greeks of classical times have demonstrated understanding of ciphers, with the example of Herodotus to be the most well known, who tattooed a message to his slave head on a slaves shaved head and hide it under his regrown hair. Before the modern era, cryptography had an absolute target the achievement of confidentiality of a message. The most crucial years for cryptography were undoubtedly the last century. The decisive step was an investigation of Claude Shannon, the father of information security. In his seminar at 1949, Shannon analysed and illustrated block ciphers and suggest that, if they are combined with some operations that can provide the whole cipher with permutation and substitution, they should be a reasonable option. A block cipher, is an encryption scheme that belongs in the branch of Cryptography that is called symmetric-key Cryptography. This name is justified by the fact that the parties th at are involved in the communication through the cipher use the same secret key. Later designed as iterated product ciphers, block ciphers are deterministic algorithms that operate on fixed length groups of bits, called blocks. The major attribute for a block cipher is that the length of the input, called plaintext, and the length of the output, called ciphertext, is always the same. They take as an input a key of k-bits length and the this key is expanded to many different keys following a sequence of operations, the so called round keys. Typically, a block cipher is built by iteration, using a function called round function. In every round, the round function takes as an input the corresponding message and the round key and produces a new outcome which is oriented to be used in the next round. The final round will produce the ciphertext. Block ciphers have been widely used and dramatically influence the new era of humanity, and more importantly for commercial reasons in industry a nd banking. There is a remarkable variety of examples from block ciphers, although for the rest of this paper we will focus on the most famous examples that dominated the whole area of symmetric-key Cryptography in the new era. These are called DES, 3DES, AES. Blowfish has also attracted the attention since there isnt still any known vulnerability but it will remain outside of the scope of this report. 2 Analysis and Description 2.1 Data Encryption Standard (DES) Nowadays, DES is considered to be insecure, but it had a huge impact in the development of the symmetric-key cryptography for many decades after its invention. It has been designed back in 1976, when the government of the United States realized the overwhelming necessity of an algorithm that could effectively protect government data and safely used for buying products from the international markets. The most interesting difference of DES with its predecessor, Lucifer, which has been designed by Horst Fiestel, is that the key length and the block length has been reduced significantly. Nevertheless, the key length, especially, was from the time that DES was published, under heavy criticism and was actually badly broken in 1997 with the so-called exhaustive search attack. That means that a machine was able to search all the possible keys and find the correct one. DES has a very rich history of attacks and we will examine some of these attacks in more detail later in this paper. The core idea behind DES is the so-called Feistel Network, where a block cipher can built up with the use of some arbitrary functions f0,f1,fd : {0,1}n → {0,1}n. There is a wide variety of block ciphers that have a similar construction, although AES has a completely different construction. The critical point in these kinds of constructions is the structure of these functions, which can vary significantly. Abstractly speaking, the main target is to construct an invertible function F : {0,1}2n → {0,1}2n in order to able to decrypt the ciphertext. DES is basically a 16-round Fiestel network. More specifically, the input is exactly 64 bits, so R0 and L0 are 32 bits each. Obviously, from the diagram above, in every the half of the bits remains unchanged. The other half comes with a sequence of operations. Initially, as specified by the protocol, a permutation of the whole input takes place, followed by a 16-round Fiestel Network. Each function f0,f1,f16 : {0,1}16 → {0 ,1}16 that is used at each round is computed by using the corresponding subkey, fi(x) = F(ki,x) ,in order to make the decryption circuit feasible and manageable from a hardware perspective of view. This subkey is produced by the main key, in the following way: 56 bits are selected from the 64 bits that contains the key, the 56 bits are divided into two 28 bit halves and each half is treated afterwards separately. In every round, both halves are rotated form the left to the right by one or two bits and then 48 bits are selected, 24 from the left and 24 from the right to build the corresponding subkey. After these 16 rounds of the Fiestel network, there is one more permutation before the final output is computed. The following image describes the construction of the fi function. Initially, the input of 32-bits replicates 48-bits with some simple calculations and then the result is XOR with the 48-bits subkey. The 48-bits are splitted to 8 blocks of 6 bits and passed to the S-boxes. This is the most critical point of a block cipher and bad implementation of S-boxes can easily compromise security. A S-box is a function {0,1}6 → {0,1}4 and acts like a look-up table. The selection of these tables is of vital importance and has been a controversial matter for many years. It has been proved that linear S-boxes is definitely not an option. Even a partly linear S-box can run under some kind of attacks. After the implementation of all the S-boxes, a last permutation that maps the 32-bits around, takes place. The decryption circuit follows exactly the inverse procedure. Obviously, the encryption and decryption circuit are almost identical as the only actual difference is the order that the f1,f2,,fd functions are applied. This fact made DES very attractive to hardware developers because they had to implement just one algorithm for both procedures. 2.2 Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) As already mentioned, DES has been proved to be vulnerable under certain types of attacks so significant has been made in order to improve the security of DES. For this reason, DES has been replaced by 3DES, which was published in 1998 To begin with, let E : KXM → M be a block cipher and lets define the function 3E : K3 → M as 3E((k1,k2,k3),m) = E(k1,D(k2,E(k3,m))), where D denotes the decryption algorithm. Actually, there are three encryption steps. The main question that arises here is why the middle one is a decryption algorithm and not and encryption algorithm. The answer is simple; this would have lead to the implementation of a single DES, beacause the first and the second DES operations cancel out. will cancel the other. Obviously, the key-size, as it was intended, has been increased to 168-bits, as each of the keys is 56-bits. There are three options for keys; in the first key options all the keys are independent, in the second option k1andk2 are independent and k3 = k1 and in the third all three key are identical, k1 = k2 = k3. The third option is no longer recommended by the NIST( National Institute of Standards and Technology), the first key option is the strongest with a total number of 168 key bits as mentioned above, and the second option is stronger that simply implementing DES twice. 2.3 Why not double DES? 3DES is considered to be a secure block cipher. Nevertheless, a normal question is why 2DES in not an option, as it may not seem easy to beak by brute force with a key-length space 2112. A 2DES can be defined in the following way; 2E(k1,k2),m) = E(k1,E(k2,m)) with a key length 112 bits. This construction turns out to be completely insecure and the reason for this is the meet-in-the-middle attack. Basically, if an attacker has at his disposal an actual message and the corresponding ciphertext, which will be of the same length, he will try to find a pair of key (k1,k2) that E(k1,E(k2,M)) = C. If we apply at both parts of this equation the decryption algorithm, then we get the get E(k2,M) = D(k1,C). So, the attacker will try to figure out which is the appropriate pair of key in order to map the message M and ciphertext C at the same point this also justifies the name of the attack meet-in-themiddle. The attack is structured in two steps: Firstly, the attacker has to build up a table wi th all the 2112 keys and the corresponding encryptions and then sort this list, and secondly, for all possible key that belongs to {0,1}56, he calculates D(k,C) and he looks for a match at the previous table. Whenever he finds the first match, his goal has been achieved. The running time of this attack is 256log(256) + 256log(256) < 263, time that is much smaller than the time that is necessary for brute force attack. 2.4 Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) It is widely acceptable AES has been adopted by the U.S. government and nowadays is used worldwide. As DES was proved insecure and 3DES quite slow, the demand for a more effective encryption scheme grew rapidly and at 1997 NIST requested a new proposal. After some investigation, NIST chose Rijndael as AES at 2000, a cipher that was designed in Belgium. AES, unlikely to its predecessor, its not a Feistel Network. In contrast, it is called a substitution-permutation network because both actions of permutation and substitution take place. AES has a fixed block size of 128-bits, although the key length can vary, 128,192 or 256 bits. Additionally, in every round of AES all bits change while in every round of DES half of the bits remain unchanged. Generally, a substitution permutation networks initial input is operated with an XOR with the corresponding round subkey, then goes through a substitution layer where there are some blocks, configured depending on what the substitution table says and finally a permutation layer follows where all bits are permuted. This procedure is repeated many times until the final outcome is produced. All steps of a substitution permutation network must be reversible in order to be able to decrypt. Specifically for AES, the 128-bits, which are equal to 16-bytes, are handled with the help of a 4X4 matrix with ten repeated rounds to follow. Each element of this matrix is one byte. Each byte comes under the XOR operation with the corresponding round subkey, and then a function is applied in every round that consists of three steps: (1) The Sub-Bytes step, according to which all bytes are replaced with other coming from a look-up table, named Rijndael S-box. This S-box is associated with the Galois Field(28) which is considered to have goo properties. This is a critical operation for the overall structure, as it provides AES with non-linearity. (2) The Shift-Rows step, where the last three rows of the current state are moved some certain positions to the left while the first row remains stable and (3) the Mix-Columns step, where all the bytes of each column of the current state are combined under a linear transformation. The last two steps provide AES with diffusion, a vital property for a secure cipher according to which if we change one bit of the plaintext then almost half of the bits o f the ciphertext will change. It is also considerable that the step Mix-Columns is omitted at the last round of AES. Each subkey is produced by the main key with some kind of expansion similar to the DES. The key expansion is introduced with a number of operations named rotate, Rcon, and S-box and then follows an inner loop in key schedule before the final subkey is produced. 3 Comparison and Attacks 3.1 Running time A real concern about which algorithm is appropriate, especially for commercial use, is the effectiveness and its running time. In general, the larger the block size is, the faster is the algorithm, obviously because larger amount of data is encrypted in one round of operations. Similarly, the smaller the key size is, the faster is the encryption algorithm, because the less key bits are involved in the operations and thus the complexity of them is reduced. A series of experiments have taken place to verify which of the famous encryption algorithms, AES,DES,3DES. Most of these experiments implement these encryption algorithms in Java, although there are some others that used C, most of them at a machine of Pentium 2 or Pentium 4. At most of these experiments, the fastest of these algorithms has been proved to be DES, followed by AES and finally from the 3DES, as it is three times slower than DES. It obviously doesnt make sense to examine the running time of these block ciphers in compl ete isolation with the security that they provide although it is definitely a factor that must be taken into consideration. 3.2 Software and Hardware Implementation Another important aspect that must be examined is the performance of these block ciphers in combination with the available hardware. Again, a lot of study has been carried out and provide us with some clear evidence. In compact architecture, 3DES, DES and AES have displayed very similar performance. In contrast, in high-speed architecture, AES is considered to be almost 4-times than the 3DES and DES. This is happening due to a variety of reasons, amongst them there is no hardware support for DES in modern CPUs, when from the other side there is for AES in increasingly many CPUs, including most targeting servers; hence hardware DES is oà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¾oaded to a distant IC, when AES is often in-core. Additionally, DES is often used in CBC mode which makes parallelization inevitable and processed in advance during encryption when AES is mainly used in CTR mode where the possibility of parallelization is available. Finally, DES, and its expansion 3DES is much slower in software than AES, obviously because it was designed back at 1976 before the 8086 processor was designed and uses a lot of bit operations that are not implemented suà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã†â€™ciently in a processor with a word oriented instruction set. 3.3 Attacks on DES and 3DES As already mentioned earlier at this paper, 2DES has been collapsed from the meet-in-the-middle-attack. Simultaneously, DES, despite its contribution to the overall development of cryptography, has also been defeated by a quite popular attack named exhaustive search. Exhaustive search means that the attacker will search the whole key space and he will find the appropriate, which is unique, in suà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã†â€™cient amount of time. There are some cases, even in the real world where the attacker can obtain some pairs (mi,ci), where m denotes a message and c the corresponding ciphertext. Under this small requirement, DES was badly broken. To be specific, a company named RSA, back at 1997 announced a problem with the name DES challenge. The company announced six ciphertexts and in parallel announced the first three actual messages and asked for the scientific community to search for the key and use it to obtain the other messages. The same year of the request the challenge had been solved. To go further, the rapid hardware  development was able to create a machine that find the key and solve the problem, equivalently crack DES, within less than one day at the year 1999 with exhaustive search, leading to the assumption that 56-bits length block ciphers should not be used any more. As DES is one of the most famous and controversial block ciphers, it is not entirely surprising that there is a variety of attacks developed against DES, some of them even faster than exhaustive search. Back at 1998, Kocher and Jun demonstrated a very innovative idea by making a side channel attack, introducing a new era for cryptography. Side channels attacks extract information from the physical implementation of the cipher. This type of attack was specifically against smart cards, and is based in power measurement. They actually measured precisely the running time of the smart cards and analysed the diagrams that they obtain from this measurement. In this way, they were able to learn wa s much time was consumed by in each operation from the smart card and find exactly the key. Nowadays, even smart cards are equipped with mechanisms that dont reveal any information of the power consumption there is an attack called differential power analysis, which can steal the secret key after running a lot of time the smart card. It should me mentioned that these attacks are quite general and not for smart cards. In addition, there is another type of a quite highly surprising class of attacks called fault attacks. In this occasion, the attacker can cause a malfunction to a mechanism, lets say to a smart card, for example by warming it up. If he manage to cause and recognise an error at the last round of DES he will be able to discover the secret key. The last attack that we would like to point out is the so called linear cryptanalysis. This is a generic attack and was introduced by Matsui at 1993 and is one of the most realistic, sophisticated and quick attacks on the DES. His a ttacks, and generally in linear cryptanalysis, one tries to find probalistic linear relations between the plaintext, the ciphertext and the secret key. He starts by examining linear relations at the S-boxes of one round and if he succeeds, he will use the to find out linear relations in one-round and then finally them iteratively to find multi-round relations. These relations from round to round are not independent. By combining all these linear relations, the attacker should be able to retrive the secret key. Matsui attack used 244 known plaintexts to find 13 bits of the secret key with a high probability . A similar method was applied to find another 13 bits and then for the remaining 30-bits he applied exhaustive search, he applied exhaustive search, reducing significantly the time that the initial exhaustive search demands. Today, linear cryptanalysis is considered to be, with some improvements, one of the most powerful attacks on DES. Although DES is considered to be faultless and no specific technical vulnerabilities has been found, a high level of linearity at the fifth box of DES has created the possibility for someone to generate this type of attack. Most of the previously referred attacks can also be implemented against 3DES, as the two block ciphers are obviously, highly related. To begin with, an exhaustive search is not suà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã†â€™cient any more as the key space, if we use three totally independent keys, is huge, especially if we take into consideration the computational power that a strong mahine can demonstrate nowadays. The meet-in-the middle-attack can be applied in a very similar mode, as the attacker can still create a sorted table with the first implementation of DES between one element of the table and the implementation of twice the DES at the opposite direction. The time needed for this attack is 2112, which is considered to be a high level of security, as nowadays a satisfactory level of security against a certain attack is approximately 290, although is still faster in comparison with exhaustive search. Lately, a new attack against block ciphers has been displayed, mainly intended against 3DES and Blowfish and exploits well known kind of vulnerabilities like collision and birthday attacks. Since this is currently under examination and was published only this year, we are not going to expand more. Overall, till today there is not a known and widely acceptable attack that cracks 3DES in a reasonable amount of time. 3.4 Attacks on AES Rijndael has outplayed all other candidates suggested for the AES and so has been analysed quite a bit the last decade. A lot of attacks have been introduced although none of them has hurt AESs security significantly. To begin with, there is a lot of analysis around the meet-in-the-middle attack and some possible improvements of it over the last five years. Gilbert and Minier have proved a very interesting distinguishing property for the first four rounds of AES with the following proposition; lets consider a set of 256 plaintexts where the entry a11 takes all byte values between 0 and 255 exactly once over a given set of plaintexts and all other entries are equal to a constant. If we encrypt this set with three rounds of AES then the function that maps a11 to C11 is determind by 9 fixed 1-byte parameters. C11 denotes the byte values at row i, column j. This proposition was used by them to implement the same idea of the meet-in-the-middle attack. Some further investigation have shown that the number of the parameters, and specifically for 13 or 14 bytes, and this is able to be reduced so the number of the required plaintexts will be minimized. Another famous class of attacks are called cache attacks. Cache is a small part of high speed memory and it aims to keep the CPU as much busy as possible. The catch parameters influence the running time of an algorithm. Specifically, when an element of a data array is called, then we have two possible outcomes. Id the element lies n the cache memory,then the access is instant. In a different situation, the element must be accessed from the main memory. This operation will be executed in significantly different running times and reveal valuable information. We can separate this class of attacks into three families; cold start misses, which arise for the first reference of the data, capacity misses which the magnitude of the element is bigger than the size o the cache and the conflict misses, which may happen in the case of accessing recently accessed data. 4 Conclusion In this paper we examined the structure of popular block ciphers that heavily influenced the development of Cryptography, like DES,3DES and AES and we have compared them in means of running time and software and hardware implementation. We have also considered some basic attacks that have been applied on these cryptosystems. We come to the conclusion that AES is the most safe and practical block ciphers, and this is justified by the fact that is has been chosen for encryption at a series of important applications nowadays. IS it estimated that AES will fully replace 3DES until 2030. There is not any doubt that AES is the most practical and convenient cipher from a hardware and running time perspective. Nevertheless, further investigation must definitely be carried out to ensure the the safety of AES, especially under the increasing enhancement of the technological means, is guaranteed. Finally, the attack Sweet32 is a newly invented attack and must carefully be examined, mainly becau se it is really compromise 3DES security, countermeasures must be taken DES will fully replaced by AES. 5 References [1] Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup, A Graduate Course of Cryptography, August 2015. [2] Diaa Salama Abd Elminaam,Hatem Mohamed Abdual Kader and Mohiy Mohamed Hadhoud, Evaluating The Performance of Symmetric Encryption Algorithms, Higher Technological Institute 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt, (Received Feb. 16, 2009; revised and accepted May 12, 2009) [3] Aamer Nadeem, Dr M. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Each Mans Son Essay -- essays Papers

Each Mans Son This story is about a young women named Molly Macneil and her young son Alan. They live in a town called Broughton which is located in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Broughton is a small town where most of its male inhabitants work at the colliery. Molly is a very lonely women who has been taking on the role of a single mother for the last four years because her husband has been away. Her husband, Archie Macneil, is in the United States following his boxing career. Molly also feels she has to keep this a secret from Alan because she wants him to grow up to be a doctor not a boxer. She will only tell Alan that her father has gone to make money for them and will return when he is finished. She also tells him that his father is a very strong man. Molly has two other men in her life. One is Daniel Ainslie, the town doctor, and Louis Camire, a Frenchman who has just moved to Broughton. Dr Ainslie is a married man who is simply her companion. He is more interested in Alan and his future. But Louis loves Molly ans she has feelings for him even though she denies them. Throughout the book Molly tries her best to make a good life for her and Alan, even though they are both very lonely. Molly misses her husband and Alan misses his father. The two main characters in this book are Molly Macneil and Daniel Ainslie. Molly Macneil is a young women in her early twenties. She is very lonely because she longs for her husband. She is also very troubled. She is fig...