Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Auditor's Professional Ethics and Legal Liability Essay

Evaluator's Professional Ethics and Legal Liability - Essay Example occurrence, ‘Compensation’ however is an authentic activity it can become deceptive when the top officials of organizations fix ‘excessive compensation’ for themselves (Anthony, 2004, p.28). Bookkeepers and evaluators must have an implicit rules in order to arrange their work and to fix a standard for their activities. The importance of the foreordained set of accepted rules is that it empowers bookkeepers and inspectors to complete their obligations and duties all the more precisely and straightforwardly. The implicit rules stays to be an appraisal instrument for the board to assess employees’ proficient morals dependent on their exhibition. So as to maintain the unwavering quality and trustworthiness of the calling reviewers must agree to legitimate and moral standards of the firm. For example, an inspector ought not uncover the review report or any data worried about the firm under review to any people or organizations other than to the administration which doled out the review work. It is exceptionally hard to draw out a fake activity in the event that it is submitted by people at the more significant level of the administration. Be that as it may, examiner should take every single imaginable exertion to uncover the authoritative offense of any kind. The reviewer being held criminally at risk under current guidelines may endure money fine or detainment ensuing to his/her misstep on the worry. The discipline may likewise vary for purposeful and accidental slip-ups which have submitted over the span of review. An examiner can limit his legitimate risk by submitting review notice so as to demonstrate that he has released the duties accurately. Review reminder is an individual report of the evaluator which comprises everything being equal and clarifications of review work he/she had performed. This record assists with protecting the reviewer in the event of claims and along these lines limits his/her lawful obligation. People like bookkeepers, chiefs, and examiners assume noteworthy jobs in the economical productivity of a firm. On the off chance that the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Report on Critical Review of Binary Search Tree Algorithm

Report on Critical Review of Binary Search Tree Algorithm What is Binary Search Tree? Twofold pursuit tree (BST) is a unique information structure, which implies that its size is just constrained by measure of free memory in the PC and number of components may contrast during the program executed. BST has aComparableKey (and a related worth) for each. All components in its left sub-tree are less-or-equivalent to the hub (, and all the components in its correct sub-tree are more prominent than the hub (>). Assumexbe a hub in a parallel pursuit tree. Ifyis a hub in the left sub-tree ofx,thenkey[y] [x].Ifyis a hub in the correct sub-tree ofx,thenkey[x] [y]. A primary star of paired inquiry trees is quick looking. There are three sort of twofold hunt tree: Inorder traversal Preorder traversal Postorder traversal In inorder traversal, the left sub-tree of the given hub is visited first, at that point the incentive at the given hub is printed and afterward the correct sub-tree of the given hub is visited. This procedure is applied recursively all the hub in the tree until either the left sub-tree is unfilled or the correct sub tree is vacant. Java code for inorder traversal: open void printInorder(){ printInOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /** * Helper strategy to recursively print the substance in an inorder way */ private void printInOrderRec(Node currRoot){ on the off chance that ( currRoot == invalid ){ return; } printInOrderRec(currRoot.left); System.out.print(currRoot.value+, ); printInOrderRec(currRoot.right); } In preorder traversal, the incentive at the given hub is printed first and afterward the left sub-tree of the given hub is visited and afterward the correct sub-tree of the given hub is visited. This procedure is applied recursively all the hub in the tree until either the left sub-tree is vacant or the correct sub tree is vacant. Java code for preorder traversal: open void printPreorder() { printPreOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /** * Helper strategy to recursively print the substance in a Preorder way */ private void printPreOrderRec(Node currRoot) { in the event that (currRoot == invalid) { return; } System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.right); } In postorder traversal, the left sub-tree of the given hub is navigated first, at that point the correct sub-tree of the given hub is crossed and afterward the incentive at the given hub is printed. This procedure is applied recursively all the hub in the tree until either the left sub-tree is vacant or the correct sub-tree is vacant. Java code for postorder traversal: open void printPostorder() { printPostOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /** * Helper technique to recursively print the substance in a Postorder way */ private void printPostOrderRec(Node currRoot) { on the off chance that (currRoot == invalid) { return; } printPostOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPostOrderRec(currRoot.right); System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); } Full code model for BST /Represents a hub in the Binary Search Tree. class Node { /The worth present in the hub. open int esteem; /The reference to one side subtree. open Node left; /The reference to the privilege subtree. open Node right; open Node(int esteem) { this.value = esteem; } } /Represents the Binary Search Tree. class BinarySearchTree { /Refrence for the foundation of the tree. open Node root; open BinarySearchTree insert(int esteem) { Hub = new Node(value); on the off chance that (root == invalid) { root = hub; bring this back; } insertRec(root, hub); bring this back; } private void insertRec(Node latestRoot, Node hub) { on the off chance that (latestRoot.value > node.value) { on the off chance that (latestRoot.left == invalid) { latestRoot.left = hub; return; } else { insertRec(latestRoot.left, hub); } } else { on the off chance that (latestRoot.right == invalid) { latestRoot.right = hub; return; } else { insertRec(latestRoot.right, hub); } } } /Returns the base an incentive in the Binary Search Tree. open int findMinimum() { on the off chance that (root == invalid) { bring 0 back; } Hub currNode = root; while (currNode.left != invalid) { currNode = currNode.left; } bring currNode.value back; } /Returns the greatest incentive in the Binary Search Tree open int findMaximum() { in the event that (root == invalid) { bring 0 back; } Hub currNode = root; while (currNode.right != invalid) { currNode = currNode.right; } bring currNode.value back; } /Printing the substance of the tree in an inorder way. open void printInorder() { printInOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /Helper strategy to recursively print the substance in an inorder way private void printInOrderRec(Node currRoot) { in the event that (currRoot == invalid) { return; } printInOrderRec(currRoot.left); System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); printInOrderRec(currRoot.right); } /Printing the substance of the tree in a Preorder way. open void printPreorder() { printPreOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /Helper strategy to recursively print the substance in a Preorder way private void printPreOrderRec(Node currRoot) { on the off chance that (currRoot == invalid) { return; } System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.right); } /Printing the substance of the tree in a Postorder way. open void printPostorder() { printPostOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /Helper technique to recursively print the substance in a Postorder way private void printPostOrderRec(Node currRoot) { in the event that (currRoot == invalid) { return; } printPostOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPostOrderRec(currRoot.right); System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); } } /Main strategy to run program. class BSTDemo { open static void main(String args []) { BinarySearchTree bst = new BinarySearchTree(); bst .insert(10) .insert(40) .insert(37) .insert(98) .insert(51) .insert(6) .insert(73) .insert(72) .insert(64) .insert(99) .insert(13) .insert(9); System.out.println(The Binary Search Tree Example); System.out.println(Inorder Traversal:); bst.printInorder(); System.out.println(Preorder Traversal:); bst.printPreorder(); System.out.println(Postorder Traversal:); bst.printPostorder(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(The least incentive in the BST: + bst.findMinimum()); System.out.println(The most extreme incentive in the BST: + bst.findMaximum()); } } Yield model Direct Search Algorithm Direct inquiry, otherwise called successive hunt, is an activity that checks each component in the rundown consecutively until the objective component is found. The computational intricacy for direct inquiry isO(n),making it generally substantially less productive than parallel searchO(log n).But when list things can be organized all together from most noteworthy to least and the chance show up as geometric conveyance (f (x)=(1-p) x-1p, x=1,2),then straight hunt can possibly be enormously quicker than paired pursuit. The most pessimistic scenario execution situation for a direct hunt is that it needs to circle through the whole assortment; either in light of the fact that the thing is the last one, or on the grounds that the thing isnt found. As such, if havingNitems in the assortment, the most dire outcome imaginable to discover a thing isNiterations. This is known asO(N)using theBig O Notation. The speed of search develops directly with the quantity of things inside the assortment. Straight pursuits dont require the assortment to be arranged. Model java program to show straight inquiry calculation class LinearSearchDemo { open static int linearSearch(int[] cluster, int key) { int size = array.length; for(int i=0;i { if(array[i] == key) { bring I back; } } return - 1; } open static void main(String a[]) { int[] array1= {66,42,1,99,59,53,16,21}; int searchKey = 99; System.out.println(Key +searchKey+ found at list: +linearSearch(array1, searchKey)); int[] array2= {460,129,128,994,632,807,777}; searchKey = 129; System.out.println(Key +searchKey+ found at list: +linearSearch(array2, searchKey)); } } Yield model Why Linear Search? Alinear searchlooks down a rundown, each thing in turn, without skipping. In unpredictability terms this is an O(n) search where the time taken to look through the rundown gets greater at a similar rate as the rundown does. Parallel searchtree when begins with the center of an arranged rundown, and it see whether that is more prominent than or not exactly the worth it searching for, which decides if the worth is in the first or second 50% of the rundown. Jump to the part of the way through the sub-rundown, and think about once more. In unpredictability terms this is an O(log n) search where the quantity of search tasks develops more gradually than the rundown does, on the grounds that it is splitting the hunt space with every activity. For instance, assume to scan for U in an A-Z rundown of letter where list 0-25 and the objective incentive at list 20. A straight pursuit would inquire: list[0] == U? Bogus. list[1] == U? Bogus. list[2] == U? Bogus. list[3] == U? Bogus. . .. †¦ list[20] == U? Valid. Wrapped up. The parallel inquiry would inquire: Comparelist[12](M) with U: Smaller, look further on. (Range=13-25) Comparelist[19](T) with U: Smaller, look further on. (Range=20-25) Comparelist[22](W) with U: Bigger, look prior. (Range=20-21) Comparelist[20](U) with U: Found it. Wrapped up. Looking at the two: Parallel inquiry requires the information to be arranged yet straight hunt doesnt. Parallel inquiry requires anorderingcomparison yet straight pursuit just requires correspondence correlations. Parallel inquiry has unpredictability O(log n) yet straight hunt has multifaceted nature O(n). Parallel inquiry requires arbitrary access to the information yet straight hunt just requires consecutive access. (it implies a straight pursuit canstreamdata of subjective size) Partition and Conquer Algorithm Gap and overcome is a top-down procedure for structuring calculations that comprises of separating the issue into littler sub-issues trusting that the arrangements of the sub-issues are simpler to discover and afterward creating the halfway arrangements into the arrangement of the first issue. Gap and overcome worldview comprises of following significant stages: Gap Breaking the problemint

Monday, August 3, 2020

Humphrey, Hubert Horatio

Humphrey, Hubert Horatio Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, 1911â€"78, U.S. Vice President (1965â€"69), b. Wallace, S.Dak. After practicing pharmacy for several years, Humphrey taught political science and became involved in state politics. An ardent New Dealer, he was appointed to several federal offices in Minnesota. He was instrumental in getting the Democratic party and the Farmer-Labor party to merge, and with the combined backing of both parties he was elected mayor of Minneapolis in 1945 and reelected in 1947. In 1948, Humphrey (with the backing of the Farmer-Labor party) became the first Democrat from Minnesota ever elected to the U.S. Senate. He gained a national reputation by his strong stand for civil rights. Reelected in 1954, Humphrey campaigned in the 1960 presidential primaries against John F. Kennedy but withdrew after his defeat in the West Virginia primary. He was (1960) reelected to the U.S. Senate and became (1961) the assistant majority leader. In 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson chose Humphrey as his ru nning mate on the Democratic national ticket, which won. In 1968, after Johnson decided not to run for reelection, Humphrey was a leading contender for the Democratic nomination. He was opposed by many critics of the Vietnam War, however, because he had supported the escalation of the war during Johnson's administration. Humphrey nevertheless secured the nomination but he was narrowly defeated by the Republican candidate, Richard M. Nixon, in the election. Humphrey successfully ran for the U.S. Senate in 1970. In 1972 he made another bid for the Democratic presidential nomination but failed to secure it. He was reelected to the Senate in 1976. See his War on Poverty (1964), School Desegregation: Documents and Commentaries (also publ. as Integration vs. Segregation ; 1964), Beyond Civil Rights (1968), and The Political Philosophy of the New Deal (1970); biographies by M. Amrine (1960), A. H. Ryskind (1968), and R. Sherrill and H. W. Ernst (1968). The Columbia Electroni c Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Definition and Examples of Analysis in Composition

In  composition,  analysis  is a form of  expository writing  in which the writer separates a subject into its elements or parts. When applied to a literary work (such as a poem, short story, or essay), analysis involves a careful examination and evaluation of details in the text, such as in a  critical essay.  Maybe youll discuss theme, symbolism, effectiveness of the work as a whole, or character development. Youll use a formal writing style and a third-person point of view to present your argument. As the writer, you will come up with a topic to analyze the work of literature around  and then find supporting evidence in the story and research in journal articles, for example, to make the case behind your argument. For example, maybe you want to discuss the theme of freedom vs. civilization in Huckleberry Finn,  analyze the effectiveness of satirist Jonathan Swifts criticisms of government at the time, or criticize Ernest Hemmingways lack of depth in  his female characters. Youll formulate your thesis statement (what you want to prove), start gathering your evidence and research, and then begin weaving together your argument. Introduction The introduction may well be the last piece you write in your analytical essay, as its your hook for the readers; its what will grab their attention. It might be a quote, an anecdote, or a question.  Until youve gotten your research well in hand and the essay well formulated, you probably wont be able to find your hook. But dont worry about writing this at the start. Save that for a bit, until your drafting really gets rolling. Thesis Statement The thesis statement, which is what youre setting out to prove, will be the first thing that you write, as it will be what youll need to find support for in the text and in research materials. Youll likely start with a broad idea of what youd like to investigate and then narrow that down,  focusing it,  as you start your preliminary research, writing down your ideas and making your outline of how you want to present your points and evidence. Itll appear in the introduction after the hook. Supporting Examples Without examples from the text, your argument has no support, so your evidence from the work of literature youre studying is critical to your whole analytical paper. Keep lists of page numbers that you might want to cite, or use highlighters, color-coded sticky notes—whatever method will enable you to find your evidence quickly when it comes time in the essay to quote and cite it. You may not use everything that you find in support, and thats OK. Using a few perfectly illustrative examples is more efficient than dumping in a load of tenuous ones. Keep two phrases in mind when preparing an analysis: Show me and So what? That is, show me (or point out) what you think are the significant details in the text (or speech or movie—or whatever it is youre analyzing), and then, regarding each of those points, answer the question, So what? What is the significance of each?What effect does that detail create (or attempt to create)?How does it shape (or attempt to shape) the readers response?How does it work in concert with other details to create effects and shape the readers response? The So what? question will help you to pick the best examples. Sources Youll likely need to have a works cited, bibliography, or references page at the end of your essay, with citations following an existing style guide, such as MLA, American Psychological Association (APA), or the Chicago Manual of Style. Generally, theyll be alphabetical by the source authors last name and include the title of the work, publication information, and page numbers. How to punctuate and format the citations will be spelled out in the particular guide youre to follow as a part of the assignment. Keeping good track of your sources while youre researching will save you time and frustration when putting this page (as well as your citations in the paper) together. When Writing In writing an analytical essay, your paragraphs will each have a main topic that supports your thesis. If a blank page intimidates you, then start with an outline, make notes on what examples and supporting research will go in each paragraph and then build the paragraphs following your outline. You can start by writing one line for each paragraph and then going back and filling in more information, the examples and research, or you can start with the first main paragraph and complete one after the other start to finish, including the research and quotes as you draft. Either way, youre probably going to reread the whole thing several times, flesh things out where the argument is incomplete or weak, and fiddle with sentences here and there as you revise.   When you think youre complete with the draft, read it out loud. That will find dropped words, awkward phrasing, and sentences that are too long or repetitive. Then, finally, proofread. Computer spellcheckers work well, but they wont necessarily pick up where you accidentally typed bet for be, for instance. Youll want all of your paragraphs to support your thesis statement. Watch where you get off topic, and cut those sentences. Save them for a different paper or essay if you dont want to delete them entirely. Keep your draft on the topic you stated at the outset, though. Conclusion If directed in your assignment, your analytical essay may have a concluding paragraph that summarizes your thesis and main points. Your introductory hook could make another appearance in the conclusion, maybe even with a twist, to bring the article back full circle.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Unimportance of Riches in a Relationship, Portrayed in...

Leo Rosten once said, Money cant buy happiness. Janie from Zora Neale Hurstons, Their Eyes Were Watching God, would agree with this famous quote. Janies first husband is financially stable and her second husband is powerful; but it is with her third marriage where she finally experiences happiness and receives respect. Through the first two marriages, we see how worldly desires and pride can ruin a relationship. Ultimately, Hurston portrays that equality in a relationship truly nourishes a bond far more valuable that materialistic possessions or reputations. Janie in her first marriage is her far from mesmerized with her husbands 60 acre land. The incompatibility between her and Logan ultimately cause the marriage to fail. Logan†¦show more content†¦This makes Janie feel like he does not care about her and that she is wasting her time with him. His lack of communication with Janie symbolizes the despair and emptiness she feels in their marriage. He does not open up to her an d so of course the marriage will not work out. Hurston ultimately portrays how unhappy Janie is when she leaves Logan so easily the day after she brought up the topic of her leaving: Janie hurried out of the gate and turned south (Hurston 32). Janies attraction to Joe Starks charisma quickly diminishes when his overdose of ambition and controlling personality get the best of him. Although he is a big voice in the town, Janie only sees him as a big voice. All his money and power have no effect on her when all he does is ridicule and control her. He makes it clear where Janie belongs: Ah never married her for nothin lak dat. Shes uh woman and her place is in de home (Hurston 43). This is ironic because when she is with Logan, she wants to be in the house doing her own thing, but Joe is making it sound like confinement. Its as if she has no choice in the matter and Joe intends to make his power over her known. People have different desires and sometimes when we get caught up in our su ccess, we can end up hurting others. Joes reply to Janie is a great example of the insensitivity that can form from the pride we can possibly inherit when we achieve success: Ah told you in de first beginnin dat Ah aimed tuh be uh big voice.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Questions 4 Q4-Study Sources Free Essays

Questions 4 Paper- June 2010 Q4-Study Sources D and E Which of Sources D or E is more useful to the historian who is investigating surgical practice in the 1870s? Both Sources D and E are useful to the historian who is investigating surgical practice in the 1870s, however only to a certain extent because both sources explain a few of the negatives and positives of surgical practice. In source D, it says that ‘it took too long to keep washing everything’ and how people who would think of new ideas in surgical practice were often regarded as ‘odd’. This evidence shows us that surgical practice at the time may have been a more negative experience rather than a positive one. We will write a custom essay sample on Questions 4 Q4-Study Sources or any similar topic only for you Order Now Source E, on the other hand, talks a little less broadly about surgical practice as it explains, like source D, ‘infection was as common as ever’ and talks about the transitions from one operating theatre to the next. However, sources D and E are only useful to a certain extent as both sources tell us only one aspect surrounding surgical practice when there were many others. Both sources talk about infection in surgical practice and how it was an obstacle which mainly surrounds the negatives of surgery. This information is only useful to a certain extent as we are not told the positives of surgical practice and whether there were other factors that affected surgery at the time. Only one of the sources seem of reliable provenance as Source D is a book called History of Medicine written at a time further away from the 1870s than when source E was written. Although Source D was written by someone who we can not tell had any medical experience, we understand that, this being a book based on Medicine as a whole, it would have been reliable and checked by other professionals. On the other hand, Source E was an account that was remembered by a man in surgical practice 56 years later and so surgical practice was changing immensely at the time and could have altered his opinion. It is also only an account of one person and could therefore be biased as others may think differently. Overall, Source D mainly focuses on specific areas of surgical practice and tells us that surgical practice was tough as ‘it took too long to keep washing everything’ (being the equipment and other things that were used) and it also talks about how people who would come up with new ideas, would have their ideas rejected at first as they were regarded as ‘odd’. Source D also mentions Lister and his ideas about germs and how they were lso regarded as ‘odd’. From this we see that Surgical Practice was rough for many and that surgery in the 1870s was quite shallow as development and new ideas were pushed down. Source E on the other hand also had some facts such as ‘the building cost ? 600 000’ however, like source D, talked about how nothing changed and gave a method which was kept the same such as being ‘allowed to go straight from the post-modern room to work on the maternity ward’. In Conclusion, looking at both sources and the reliability of the sources from the provenance of the sources, both source are useful to a historian investigating surgical practice in the 1870s, however, Source D seems more reliable and therefore more useful to the historian, as looking at the provenance, it is based in a book that many historians would have read and so would be more reliable than an account made by one person who could have had shallow views as they wouldn’t have many mixed opinions and so side with what they believed. Q5. Study Sources A, F and G and use your own knowledge. ‘Lister’s antiseptic methods changed surgical practice in a short period of time. ’ How far do you agree with this statement? Use your own knowledge, Sources A, F and G and any other sources you find helpful to explain your answer. The Sources How to cite Questions 4 Q4-Study Sources, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Slavery Is The South Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Bondage Is The South Essay, Research Paper Bondage is the South Essay # 3 Slavery played a dominating and critical function in much of Southern life. In the battle for control in America, bondage was the South? s fastness and the concealed motivation behind many political actions and economic statistics. By ruling Southern life, bondage besides dominated the economic and political facets of life in the South from 1840 to 1860. By the 1840? s and 50? s the Southern economic system had about wholly go slave and hard currency harvest agribusiness based. Without slaves in the South a individual was left either landless and penniless or fighting to acquire by on a little farm. However, even though slaves dominated the southern economic system, slaveholders merely included approximately 2 to 3 per centum of the population. This little per centum was the sum of people successful in a slave based, hard currency harvest agricultural, Southern economic system. Therefore, the Southern economic system was controlled and dominated by those who did and did non hold slaves. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery Is The South Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, with the high demand for Southern points in Europe and Northern America more slaves were needed in the South to bring forth these hard currency harvests. Without slaves there would be no cotton, baccy, or sugar production and without these built-in points the Southern economic system would perfectly neglect. The South depended on slaves to fuel their economic system and hence bondage dominated their economic system. Between 1840 and 1860 many political issues, arguments, and actions were inflamed by bondage. As America grew, the South wanted more slave provinces and the North wanted more free provinces to increase their clasp in political relations. One of import act that fueled the bondage dominated political universe of 1840 to 1860 was the Kansas and Nebraska act written by Stephen Douglas. This act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and called for popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska which under the Missouri Compromise had been free. The Missouri Compromise was originally an act to settle differences about free provinces and break ones back provinces come ining the Union. To revoke this was to about implore for revolu tion ; therefore? Shed blooding Kansas? which included the John Brown public violences and caused political tumult. The Kansas and Nebraska act was a riotous and unforesightful solution to a complicated and commanding political issue. The Compromise of 1850 was another weak solution to the ruling job of run-away slaves and the issue of bondage in new districts. This Compromise created stronger fleeting slave Torahs which satisfied Southern slave backstops and enraged Northern emancipationists. The via media besides made California a free province, the Mexican Cession topic to popular sovereignty, and dictated that there would be no slave trade in Washington D.C. , but it would stay a slave province. All of these things under the Compromise and the reaction they caused led to slavery going an even more ascendant issue in 1850 America. Another important political issue was the Dred Scott determination. Dred Scott was a slave who had been taken into a free district by his proprietor. A? Free-Soiler? so convinced Scott to action his maestro for his freedom. In 1857, Supreme Court Justice Robert Taney declared that Dred Scott was belongings and non a citizen, and belongings can non action. Taney went even further in his determination to declare the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional and rule bondage could non be forbidden anyplace. Many Northerners, Abolitionists, and? Free-Soilers? were infuriated by this determination. From 1820 to 1860 bondage was a? hot subject? in Congress and the House of Representatives. In a manner, it even caused the Civil War and in the terminal was perceived as the chief ground for contending it. All political issues during this clip could non be discussed without the subject of bondage behind it. Slavery dominated all political issues. A Georgia editor in 1860 commented ; ? Negro Slavery is the South, and the South is Negro Slavery? , an perfectly true statement. Slavery lead and dominated the South? s economic system and political actions. Nothing was of all time handled in the South without bondage being a portion of it. Through good times and bad, bondage was the? ruling world of all Southern life? .